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Culture and Art

Chertok, M. D. The Philosophy of March

Abstract: As a musical composition, march is a piece of music of a certain form and with a certain regular rhythm that is written for marching to and satisfying esthetic needs of a listener. In his search for answers to the question about the role and place of march in our life, the author faced the absence of methodological concepts on the matter and therefore chose to study the military march in all its kinds and forms. The subject of the research is the particular role of march as a piece of music in the life of an individual and ethnos, in the process of up-bringing, philosophical achievement of one’s personhood and development of culture. The research method is the search for and interpretation of information about the military music in general and military march in particular as well as comparison of discovered facts deriving from different epochs and cultures about military science, raising a warrior, formation and development of the army and attitude to music as an important element of culture. The novelty of the present research is in the attempt to provide a philosophical interpretation of the phenomenon of march, to compare this musical genre with other active branches of art and to analyze philosophical reflections on the role and influence of military march on the national culture. The author of the research article suggests that we should pay more attention to this unique phenomenon that has become not only the kind of musical composition but also the genre which, besides its ‘official’ purpose, has also created the grounds for further development of musical art and division of music into different musical genres.


march, music, philosophy, war, religion, rites, musical instruments, state, army, peace.

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