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Philosophy and Culture

Katsapova, I. A. Philosophy of Law in Public Space

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of adjusting philosophical law to modern conditions. The author of the article describes the status of philosophy of law as an inter-disciplinary sphere and outlines the main problems of methodological and world view approaches to philosophy of law and the range of problems studied by philosophy of law. The author also analyzes the modern relation between theory and practice in today’s legal studies. The author describes the principle of professional approach to law and legal studies. This principle is related to legal dogmatics. The article contains conceptual proof of the normative theory offered by Ronald Dworkin and historical retrospective of Russian traditions in the normative theory developed by P. Novgorodsev, L. Petrazitsky and I. Ilyin). The author also discusses the topical issues of morals in law and a close connection between morals and law. The author suggests that we should view the aforesaid issue from the point of view of the relation between legal world-view and legal awareness. In particular, the theory of legal awareness provides proof of the imperative and attributive nature of legal relations. The author also touches upon modern discussions regarding the social role of law and the question whether the law or legislation should govern.


philosophy, philosophy of law, philosophical reflection, law, morals, judicial positivism, legal world-view, legal awareness, culture, historical.

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