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Philosophy and Culture

Kiyaschenko, N. I. Zero Identity

Abstract: The topic of research is the phenomenon of ‘zero identity’ – the term which was first described in post-modernistic literature. The word ‘identity’ and other terms that have a close meaning have been long developing in Western philosophy from Ancient times to modern analytical philosophy. Groups of people who managed to acquire at least some unity have eventually survived much better than the groups that did not acquire it. Based on Alvin Toffler, all societies have so called ‘mental sphere’ that covers social ideas and concepts starting from formation of communities and identities. Thus, the concept of ‘relation’ or ‘commonality’ and the process of identification with others are the main fundamental links between all human systems. The author of the article uses the methodological principle of hermeneutic analysis in the course of research. Writings of other researchers allow to successively proceed to the final phenomenology of ‘zero identity’. The author also provides a critical analysis of the concepts evolving around the term ‘zero identity’. He argues with other researchers who consider ‘zero identity’ as complete absence of content. Whereupon, it is possible to understand the phenomenon of zero identity only from the point of view of individual and group identities. This is the new approach offered by the author. According to the author, zero identity has particular content. Zero identity can present disintegration of individual and group identities or numerous identities.


ethnocentrism, philosophy, identity, culture, religion, sub-culture, marginality, nationalism, multiculturalism, psychology.

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