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Philosophy and Culture

Bliskavitsky, A. A. Symbol and Myth in Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Philosophy

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of symbol and myth in Vyacheslav Ivanov’s philosophy. The author of the article defines peculiarities of philosophy of a Russian symbolist conditioned by his believing in the priority of belief and the second role of the rational thinking. The author describes peculiarities of the Medieval perception of the world that was reflected in Ivanov’s philosophy, too. The author also studies Vyacheslav Ivanov’s definition of symbol and the difference between Ivanov’s philosophy and French symbolism. The author describes several features of Friedrich Schelling’s works which made a considerable influence on Vyacheslav Ivanov as well. Studying Ivanov’s interpretation of myth from the point of view of its relation to a symbol, the author makes a hypothesis about special antinomic unity of symbol and myth. The author describes Ivanov’s thoughts on communicative features of myth and views the problem of the language expression of symbol as well as symbolic features of language.


philosophy, symbolism, theurgy, esthetics, beauty, myth, art, mystery, language, artist.

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