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Philosophy and Culture

A. S. ogly Alekperov Multiculturalism in Space Between Politics and Culture

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the phenomenon of multiculturalism from the point of view of politics and culture. The main idea is that multiculturalism is a totally political phenomenon with all the expected consequences. Interaction between cultures is the process that can be in contact with politics but be outside the politics at the same time. Multiculturalism offers not only ethnical variety but also interflow of cultures. Multiculturalism, in the first place, suggests ‘peaceful co-existence’ of separated cultures but not their interaction. The maximum target that can be reached under multiculturalism policy is the cultural tolerance. This is why multiculturalism promotes isolation from the point of view of the author However, such ‘peaceful’ isolation is rarely met in reality because separation of cultures create certain tension between them. This is why multiculturalism causes confrontation between cultures but not their mutual enrichment.


cultural studies, multiculturalism, politics, culture, migration, ethnos, dialogue of cultures, globalization, identity, liberalism, poly-ethnicity.

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