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Culture and Art

Rudnev, V. P. Pushkin and Post-Modernism: Regarding V. Mirzoev’s Movie ‘Boris Godunov’

Abstract: V. Mirzoev’s new movie ‘Boris Godunov’ is being analyzed by the means of the psycho-motive analysis allowing to fi nd the profound inter-textual motives both in a movie and the same-name tragedy written by A. S. Pushkin. According to the author of the article, the movie and the tragedy are in one postmodernistic time and space where there is neither past nor future. Pushkin infl uences Mirzoev just as Mirzoev infl uences Pushkin. The author’s analysis shows hidden identifi cations between heroes and ‘their prototypes in history’ in ‘the future’ of the post-modernistic discourse. However, it is admitted that a true achievement made by Mirzoev’s movie is an overcoming of post-modernism in search of new cinematographic esthetics in the 21st century.


cultural studies, V. Mirzoev, A. S. Pushkin, motives, identifi cation, Boris Godunov, reality, inter text, psycho semiotics, cinema.

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