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Philosophy and Culture

Titarenko, I. N. The Role of Philosophy in Solving the Global Political Issues and Fighting Violence: Ancient Ideas and Modern Age

Abstract: The article analyzes the social and political views f the Antique philosophers and their relation to modern political issues. The study of the most important provisions of philosophy by Plato, Aristotle, stoics, Cicero, Seneca allows to conclude that at early stages of its development the European philosophy was already aimed at fighting all forms of violence, nursing social interests, responsibility for the fate of a state institution and desire to serve to the common well- being and humanity. Due to that, in ancient Greek and Roman texts one can discover the approach to philosophy as a practical knowledge to be applied to political life and state construction. Such a view on the role of philosophy in the society promoted the tradition of critical analysis of statehood, politics, violence and creation of the ‘perfect state’ model. Performing its functions (critical analysis, prognosis, cultural up-bringing) modern political philosophy, just as Ancient philosophy, greatly contributes to solving political issues, fighting violence and forming new systems of values that responds to the challenges of the globalizing world. Dialogue with the Ancient legacy can help a lot in achieving these goals since it would allow not only to better understand the genesis and nature of many modern theories, but also to bring into focus the positive but unused potentials of previously existing philosophies.


philosophy, violence, state institution, Ancient times, authenticity, activity, humanity, justice, politics, society, tyranny.

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